Sunday, June 20, 2010

Vegetarianism is bad for you - true or false?

1. Vegetarians suffer malnutrition: FALSE
In fact, vegetarian diets are more healthy than the non-vegetarian diet and it's recommended by doctors! There is plenty of easily available protein source for vegetarians: nuts, seeds, nut butters, beans, peas, lentils, tofu and other soy products, quinoa and other wholegrains. (I should mention meat substitutes too, but I'm not a big fan of them - natural is always better.) Most of these protein sources actually come with added nutrition too! The body does'nt even need that much protein anyway, unless you're a bodybuilder or are pregnant. See the animal fat is high in saturated fat; the saturated fat builds up on your belly; your belly fat squeezes your kidneys; and your malfunctioned kidneys increase your blood pressure, your blood sugar and your cholestrol. I quote famous TV star and medical practitioner, Dr Oz, "animal fat intake seem to increase dramatically the rate of breast cancer as well as heart diseases."

2. Vegetarians are more lethargic : FALSE
Vegetarians get to shed off an incredible amount of weight without loosing their stamina. In fact, I quote from, "95% of former meat-eaters report that a switch to a vegetarian diet increases their energy, vitality and well being." Why go so far? About 6 months ago, I started a vegetarian diet (more strictly, about a month back). At first I did it for the animals, but as you would have it, it turned out to be an excellent win-win deal! I felt so much lighter and more energetic! Even my complexion has improved tremendously. In fact, I've never felt better!
Tip: You can get instant energy from food like bananas and chocolates and long term energy from complex carbohydrates like pasta and grains.

3. The vegetarian diet is bland, tasteless and lack texture : FALSE
It is really entirely up to your creativity to create a wholesome meal bursting with taste and texture. Chilies and spices for variety, lemons for sour, tomatoes and fruits for sweet, crunchy nuts, juicy fruits, chewy potatoes and soy, melt-in-your-mouth tofu, smooth peanut butter, thick milkshakes... Am I exciting your taste buds already? Search for vegetarian recipes on the internet! Go on, try an exciting vegetarian main course every once or twice a week!

4. Vegetarianism is for you : TRUE
Without a doubt, no need to say, most certainly so!

"Nothing will benefit human health and ensure the survival of life on earth more than an evolution to a vegetarian diet."
- Albert Einstein.

I don't regret being a vegetarian.

Dr Oz turns meat-eating cowboy vegan video.
How Stuff Works-Dr Oz the healthiest diets video.

This is Laveena Kukanesan writing to you for Antara TV. Now tell me, why are you a vegetarian?

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