Thursday, February 17, 2011


10 years ago, I came across a quote that would transform my life a little for the better. It came in a simple forwarded mail, and it read:

"A single word of thanks sent up to heaven is the most perfect prayer."

It turned out to be a good chisel that helped shape positive attitudes in me. A spiritual master shares, remember death and the good others do for us. Forget the bad others have done to us and the good we have done for others. A leader expands on death and shares: make it a point to attend funerals, and observe. Observe what will one day happen to us; how within a few hours our body will depart, and if you're Hindu, how within a month just a photo hangs on the walls; and how within months, our photo moves to the back of the home and eventually into dusty drawers. When we think about death, how important are the petty things in life?

In the Valentine spirit of love and appreciation, last week I decided to have a theme, or rather attitude of the week: APPRECIATION. I started my days with appreciation, I filled my days with appreciation and I ended my days with appreciation. I was content with the little pretty things and I tell you I was one happy child! At the end of the week I found myself saying O Gratitude, I believe in thee! This week has been so pleasant!

So I invite you to take this on with me! Or do you have other fun activities for implementing APPRECIATION? If so, what are they?


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